7 Things You Should Never Do To People in Germany
7 Things You Should Never Do To People in Germany
When visiting Germany, it is important to respect local customs and social norms. While there are many things that you should do when interacting with people in Germany, there are also some things you should avoid. In this blog post, we will discuss seven things you should never do to people in Germany in order to prevent misunderstandings and potential embarrassment. From respecting personal space to dressing appropriately, these seven tips will help ensure that your interactions with people in Germany are as pleasant as possible.
1) Don't be late
Being late to appointments and meetings is considered rude and disrespectful in Germany. Germans are known for their punctuality, so it's important to always be on time for meetings and appointments. If you do happen to run into a situation where you can’t make it on time, be sure to give your contact a call or text ahead of time. Letting someone know that you are running late is much more polite than just showing up late without any warning. It’s also important to arrive on time for social gatherings, even if you're only meeting friends. Arriving late will only make the other person feel disrespected.
2) Don't interrupt
In German culture, it is seen as impolite to interrupt someone while they are speaking. It is considered rude to cut in, so it is best to wait until the other person has finished before adding your own thoughts or opinions. This also applies when meeting someone new, as it is customary to wait for the other person to introduce themselves first.
It is important to remain patient and respectful when having a conversation with someone in Germany. Listening attentively is viewed favorably and is a sign of respect. Interrupting can make the other person feel like you are not taking their opinion into consideration, and can be seen as dismissive or condescending.
Instead of cutting in, it is best to let the speaker finish their thought and then take your turn. This shows that you are paying attention and are invested in the conversation. Being polite and patient will ensure a pleasant conversation and help build a stronger relationship with those around you.
3) Don't be too informal
When it comes to interacting with people in Germany, it's important to maintain a certain level of formality. In most cases, it's best to use the formal version of ‘you’ (Sie) instead of the informal one (du). Even if someone suggests you to use the informal version, it’s always better to stick to the formal version as a sign of respect. It’s also important to avoid using slang and colloquialisms when speaking with people in Germany. Using the formal language is a way to show respect for the person you’re talking to and the culture of Germany.
4) Don't touch
In Germany, it is important to remember that physical contact is generally reserved for close friends and family. As such, touching someone without their permission in a social setting is considered rude and inappropriate. This means that you should avoid patting someone on the back, shaking hands, or even hugging unless you know them well. When greeting someone, it is better to simply nod your head or give a brief verbal greeting instead.
If you do find yourself in a situation where physical contact is allowed or necessary, like shaking hands, be sure to keep it brief and polite. A handshake should be firm, but not too strong, and should last no more than a few seconds. Additionally, if you are interacting with a person of the opposite sex, wait for them to initiate the handshake before extending your hand. This shows respect for their personal space and will make them feel more comfortable.
5) Don't invade personal space
In Germany, people prefer to keep a certain distance between each other, so invading someone's personal space can be seen as disrespectful and intrusive. A good rule of thumb is to keep at least one meter away from the other person. If you're talking in a group setting, try not to stand too close to other people. It's also important to remember that physical contact between strangers is typically frowned upon in Germany, so avoid hugging or patting someone on the back unless you know them well. Respect people’s boundaries and don't come too close.
6) Don't be too loud
In Germany, speaking too loudly is considered rude and disruptive. Germans are known to be very polite and considerate of others, so it's important to keep your voice down. Avoid shouting, as this could be interpreted as aggressive or disrespectful. Additionally, it's important to be mindful of the volume of your conversation when you are in public spaces, as there are many people around who may not appreciate your loudness.
When conversing with people, try to keep your tone low and respectful. There is no need to talk over each other or raise your voice unnecessarily, as it can make people feel uncomfortable.
When in doubt, take a moment to assess the environment. If everyone else is talking quietly, it's a sign that loud talking isn't appreciated in that particular space. Remember that you can always lower your voice and still be heard, so do your best to maintain an appropriate level of volume.
7) Don't be a know-it-all
In Germany, it is seen as rude to display your knowledge too much or to come across as a know-it-all. When having conversations with Germans, you should not be too aggressive in displaying your own knowledge. Instead, try to be more respectful and open-minded. When engaging in conversations with Germans, it is important to listen and respect other peoples’ opinions, even if they differ from yours.
In addition to being seen as disrespectful, being a know-it-all can also lead to German people feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. People in Germany generally value open dialogue and exchange of ideas. Instead of trying to show off your knowledge, focus on listening to other people and engaging in meaningful conversations. This will help create a friendly and open atmosphere for everyone.
Overall, it is important to remember that in Germany, it is important to be respectful and not to come across as a know-it-all. Respect other peoples’ opinions and focus on creating an open dialogue that allows everyone to share their ideas. Doing so will make sure that everyone feels comfortable and respected.
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